Havelock Local Weather : https://www.theweathernetwork.com
Havelock and Area Weather : https://weather.com/weather/today/l/CAXX9475:1:CA
Nav Canada Flight Plan : https://plan.navcanada.ca/account/login/?next=/
Nav Canada Aviation Weather For all Airport : https://flightplanning.navcanada.ca/cgi-bin/CreePage.pl?Langue=anglais&NoSession=&Page=Fore-obs%2Fmetar-taf-map&TypeDoc=html
Havelock Field Conditions :
Airport Identifier CCS5
Grass Strip Turf
7/25 – 2090 Ft. 637 M
11/29 – 2860 Ft. 872 M.
Elevation AMSL 425 Ft. 130M.
Coordinates 45*59.11 N 065*18.07 W
Canadian Owner & Pilots Association : http://www.copanational.org/
Air Spruce Aircraft Supplies : https://www.aircraftspruce.ca/
Atlantic Avionics Inc. : http://www.atlanticavionics.com/splash.html
Aircraft Canada Sales : http://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/list/?pcid=1242003&dlr=1
Moncton Flight College : http://www.mfc.nb.ca/main.html
Annapolis Valley Regional Air Park : http://www.avfa.ca/?p=1280
Activity is building at CYZX
15,800 Litres 100 LL Sold
650 Litres Jet A Sold
Red Line Sport Planes is located at 221 Upper golden Grove Road just North East of St. John N.B. close to Hunter Lake were Rod has his water dome and runway.
The new dealer is a local UL pilot who just bought a Rans S-20 Kit to build and it’s for sale. He has just completed a Super Legend Cub and his build quality is outstanding. He is also a Rotax 912 Tech.
He is in business to do repairs, fabric and painting. This guy is exactly what we need here to help us keep going and/or if we want a new kit sometime.
Contact = Dwayne Williston = 506-647-8249 cell 506-847-0553
South Shore Flying Club : http://www.southshoreflyingclub.weebly.com/
COPA: Places to fly : https://copanational.org/en/places-to-fly/
General Aviation News : http://ganews.staging.wpengine.com/
EAA Aviation Centre : http://www.eaa.org/en/eaa
Atlantic Canada Aviation Museum : https://acamuseum.ca/
Live Flight A Warenest : https://flightaware.com/live/airport_status_bigmap.rvt?airport=CYQM
Havelock Airport Coordinates : https://skyvector.com/airport/CCS5/Havelock-Airport
The new airport in the Annapolis valley is in the CFS – Name is Hillaton , designator CHL2. Can be seen on Google Earth. Coordinates are : 45 08 34 N 64 25 22
Due to Covid -19 No Gas By Brian Pinset
Information continues to come in on this topic, so I will provide updates as best I can. Crossing provincial boarders seems to be a grey area. For large aircraft, flight crews are exempt from travel restrictions, I have no idea how this would apply to us? I’m remaining within province for now, however with our provinces being so small, our wings are definitely clipped.
All operations except Saint John have limited hours, so best to call ahead first.
Debert – fuel available, . 8-4, 7 days/week, Suggest you call first. 902-662-2228
Charlo – fuel available, limited hours, 506-789-3922, 2.19 tax in.
Charlottetown has fuel and it is $2.15 including tax
Digby Has Fuel. 902 245 5885. Suggest you call first.
Miramichi – 506-778-1031 – no answer, unknown
Moncton – Moncton Flight College is closed – no 100ll fuel, no field access
Field access through AST services at base of tower, best call before 506-857-0942
Summerside – Closed, Medevac flights only (NOTAM)
Port Hawkesbury – Staffed, however Celtic Air Services is requesting airport emergency use only (Facebook)
Greenwood – Closed for civilian flight ops. Military use only (NOTAM)
Sydney – No 100 LL by notam.
Saint John has a keycard system that I used yesterday. There are good instructions in a box at the pump, however be aware that there is a clutch release lever on the lower left hand side of the hose reel. And the main pump switch on the left has to be on. (Thanks for those tips Jim). Price taxes in was 2.21/L.. . Shawn McLure can be reached at 506-651-9337 to troubleshoot anyone having problems with the pump.
Aviation History in Dayton, Ohio – Link Courtesy of Dakota from Lyndhurst STEM
Aviation History in Dayton, OH – Joslyn Law Firm (daytonohlawyer.com)